Dr. Udit Raj marched to name the new Parliament House as Dr. Ambedkar Parliament House.

Dr Udit Raj , Ex MP and national chairman of A I Confederation of SC/ST organisations ( Parisangh) organised a protest march at North Avenue ,N Delhi to Parliament. This demonstration was organised at the time when the Prime Minister was laying the foundation stone of New Parliament Building . Our demand was to name this New Building after Dr B R Ambedkar. The heavy police did not allow the marchers to reach to the Parliament. Dr Ambedkar , the chief architect of Indian Constitution, deserves this honour . He is voice of voiceless people .

Dr Udit Raj further said that there is popular voice for it. In less than 24 hours , millions of people lent their supports . The Members of Parliament have also come in support . The Parisangh has decided to take it all corners of the country . In comparison to other statesmen, Dr Ambedkar and other icons of social justice have least space in the govt gazeetes , buildings , and other places. If the new Building of Parliament is named after Dr B R Ambedkar , that will justify that Govt is ready to accommodate the name and fame of backward communities .